Portable outdoor camping 2 person 4 season folding tent camouflage hiking one. With individual design, the outdoor tents are easy to set up and take down. Good for camping, hiking, or a large play house for kids in backyard. The large space and stable frame of the outdoor tents provide comfortable environment for you. The fiberglass frame of the outdoor tents is sturdy and practical. Being made of high quality material, the outdoor tents are durable enough for long time usage.
1 x two person outdoor camping folding tent green. Please be reminded that due lighting effects, monitor’s brightness/contrast settings etc, there could be some slight differences in the colour tone of the website’s photo and the actual item. Item measure by hand, it could be 1-3cm different. Hope you can understanding, will be sincerely appreciated :-. Please list your special requests color, packages, etc. As usual, the parcel will be arrived within 2-8 days, hope can get your enough patience. Service transit time is provided by the carrier and excludes weekends and holidays.
The recipient has the right to reject to sign for a visible damaged parcel, and request return directly from the courier. It must be without signed. All sizes are measured by hand, it could be a little different, as usual, it will be 1-3cm, and please be reminded that due lighting effects, monitor’s brightness /contrast settings etc, there could be some slight differences in the colour tone of the website’s photo and the actual item, really need your kindly understand.
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The item “Portable Outdoor Camping 2 Person 4 Season Folding Tent Camouflage Hiking ONE” is in sale since Thursday, August 07, 2014. This item is in the category “Sporting Goods\Outdoor Sports\Camping & Hiking\Tents & Canopies\Tents”. The seller is “onebyone-us” and is located in Los Angele. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Capacity: 2 Person
- Brand: New
- Color: Camouflage