Hly-z2003 two person family outdoor hiking portable folding camping tent #c117. Campers usually think that lightweight and portable camping tent is always best for camping trips. This tent can meet your demand. The large space and stable frame of the outdoor tent provides a comfortable environment for you. Furthermore, this tent is also ideal to use even during extreme weather conditions and can easily be folded and tucked directly inside your vehicle or anyw. Here you want to place it since it is foldable. Overall, this tent has all the features that you need while spending time outdoors. With individual design, the outdoor tents are easy to set up and take down. The large space and stable frame of the outdoor tents provide comfortable environment for you.
The fiberglass frame of the outdoor tents is sturdy and practical. Being made of high quality material, the outdoor tents are durable enough for long time usage. Keep your load limber and organized during long hikes and extended excursions with the camping tents. Base material: 150d oxford cloth.
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